Concern that God’s Love may Be Spread
She had the constant concern to incite not only the people in her immediate surroundings and the many visitors to praise God through the words she said to them, but also all people through the intensive prayer to God for all. “My kind Jesus, have mercy on this parish. May all the parishioners recognize the grace which You have granted them. Have mercy especially on the parents, oh Jesus, enlighten them so that they all take better care of their children’s souls. Have mercy on the Youth. Give them a greater love of virtue and piety; enkindle Your love in them.” “My constant desire and all my wishes are that our Lord’s name may be honored by all and that this name may be better known.”She was favored with extraordinary graces. Her state of ecstasy was frequent, sometimes accompanied and always followed by intensive prayer and the desire to sacrifice herself for the cause she had been shown. This state was regularly observed by Father Reichard and was the object of many enquiries by Church authorities. The conclusion was always that it was a supernatural state. She had the gift to see into the hearts, to reveal secret actions and thoughts in order to lead to conversion. This was confirmed by many Sisters who saw her in an ecstatic state and lifted up off the ground.
The Servant of God showed the strength of her love in an extraordinary way. Nothing could disturb her union with God. Sometimes her physical strength grew from things which should have weakened her: continuous visits, physical and spiritual sufferings, lack of food. The more she suffered, the more her confidence grew and so did her peace. With Father Reichard’s consent, she made vows the practice of which was heroic. In all her life, you cannot find a single fact which would make you think she had not obeyed him most strictly and loyally.
The strength of her love became particularly noticeable in the fact that she had started a work completely for the glory of God and the salvation of souls, without any human means, and she pursued it despite difficulties of all kinds, without failure, until her death.
Her constant union with God was remarkable. The testimonies of all those who knew her are numerous. She said: “I don’t spend a single minute without having my Divine Spouse before my eyes and without thinking of Him, and I also always have something to ask of Him.” Father Reichard confirms: “Her union with her Divine Spouse and her intimate conversations with Him were never interrupted, not even during her daily occupations.” Father Busson: “Her meditations were profound. Constantly occupied with God, she adored and loved Him in everything.”