Foundress of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour
* September 9, 1814, in Niederbronn-les-Baines, Bas-Rhin (France)
+ July 31, 1867, in Niederbronn-les-Baines, Bas-Rhin (France)
Competent Diocese: Strasbourg
CCS protocol number: 796
Opening of the informative process: January 29, 1951
Closing of the informative process: January 12, 1955
Decree on writings: July 06, 1963
Opening of the supplementary inquiry: June 07, 2006
Closing of the supplementary inquiry: June 25, 2007
Decree on the validity of the informative
Process and supplementary inquiry: February 29, 2008
Submission of the Positio to CCS: May 22, 2009
Session of the historical consultants: December 01, 2009
Meeting of the theological consultants: January 29, 2011
Meeting of the Cardinals and Bishops: October 18, 2011
Promulgation December 19, 2011
Opening of the diocesan inquiry
about the miracle: February 20, 1959
Closing of the diocesan inquiry
about the miracle: March 21, 1960
Decree on the validity
Of diocesan inquiry about the miracle: October 10, 2008
Submission of Summ. super miraculo: August 15, 2009
REVISA N° 1854: April 13, 2010
Fattispecies cronologica: June 16, 2010
Addition to the medical studies: September 03, 2016
Meeting of the medical consultants: June 01, 2017
Meeting of the theological consultants: October 26, 2017
Meeting of the Cardinals and Bishops: January 16, 2018
Promulgation January 26, 2018
1. Superior General Sœurs du Très Saint Sauveur, 2 rue Principale, P.B. 5, F-67110 Oberbronn,
2. Generaloberin Schwestern des Erlöser, Ebracher Gasse 6, Postfach 110761 D-970 67 Würzburg
3. Superiora Generale Suore del Divin Redentore, Via del Casale Piombino, 14, I-00135 Roma