Roman Phase

Roman Phase of the Process: Verification and Judgment

2007   06/28   Handing over the documents to the Congregation in Rome (3800 pages)
2007   07/02   Decree for the opening of the Files by the Congregation in Rome 881 documents recognized)
2007   11/16   Opening of the Files, Binding of the files (11 volumes – of 350 pages)
2007   12/11   Request for the examination of the validity of the processes of 1955, 2007 CCS
2008   02/29   Decree on the validity of the process on the heroic virtues – 1955 and 2007
2008   06/16   Cardinal Andrè Vingt-Trois, President of the Bishops Conference in France, approved the files for the Beatification process and confirms the relevance of the “Cause Eppinger” in France and to the universal Church
2008   06/16   Request of the Postulator for nomination of the Relator (examining magistrate) by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints
2008   07/05   Prefect, P. Ambrosius Ezser, O.P. confirmed the nomination of the Relator for the Positio
2008   07/10   First meeting for the drafting of the Positio
2008   10/10   Decree on the validity of the process concerning the miracle – Beginning of drafting the Positio super miro
2009   03/18   Presentation of the Positio super vita, virtutibus et fama sanctitatis (of the life, the virtues and the reputation of sanctity) to the Relator in the Congregation for the Cause of Saints .
2009   05/22   Official submission of the same Positio for the discussion of the “Historian-consulters“
2009   08/15   Synopsis and translation of the Summarium super Miraculo (Synthesis of the testimonies concerning the alleged miracle)
2009   09/07   Positio super miro – presented for Revisa (Examination)
2009   12/01   Discussion of the “Historian-consulters“ on the Positio super vita, virtutibus et fama sanctitatis – 6/6 affirmative
2010   01/20   Official submission of the same Positio for the discussion of the theologian-councilors
2010   04/13   CCS (Congregation for the Cause of Saints) granted Revisa N° 1854 for the Summary of the alleged miracle
2010   04/22   Fattispecies cronologica (chronological fact-details) presented to the Relator
2011   01/29   Session of heologians on the heroicity of virtues – affirmative
2011   01/31   Request to H. Em. Cardinal Amato for the nomination of Cardinal Ponente (President of the Causa)
2011   06/18   Nomination of Cardinal Paul Josef  Cordes  as President
2011   10/18   Sessio Ordinaria (regular session) of Cardinals and Bishops – affirmative
2011   12/19   Promulgatio (solemn promulgation) by Pope Benedict XVI.