
“For your kindness is before my eyes, and I do according to your truth” (cf. Ps 26:3). Acting is a deliberate act, the decision of a will to do something. Johann Gottlieb Fichte says that the value of a person is not decided by what he knows, but by his actions.

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“I will hear what God proclaims” (Ps 85:9), says the psalmist. So already pious Israelites practiced silence by giving space to God to talk to them.  Young Samuel in the silence of the night heard a voice, and instructed by Eli, he answered the calling, “Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Sam 3:10). St. Joseph also listened to the Lord’s voice through an angel, who appeared to him in a dream saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her” (Mt 1:20). When the Magi departed the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph again in his dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt…“ (Mt 2:13). 

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The Silence of St. Joseph and Blessed Alphonse Marie

Let us consider, “What is silence?” Silence is the opposite of noise which is evident in today’s technical world. Loud speech or music causes that people often do not hear each other and gradually lose their hearing. Even further, whereas noise significantly affects the human psyche, often causing fatigue, depression, bad mood, aggressiveness, reluctance, as well as memory impairment, loss of attention, overall decreased performance, and insomnia. It also causes cardiovascular disease and reduces immunity. Researches prove that noise significantly causes an increase in the incidence of diseases of civilization. High decibels deafen the silent whisper of God’s voice in the interior of every human being.

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