The Stations of the Cross for Priests

The Stations of the Cross with Blessed Alphonse Marie Eppinger for Priests


Since her childhood, Blessed Alphonse Marie saw in a priest God alone. When she had the opportunity to meet him, she watched him motionlessly for a long time saying, “If only I could talk to him. He would certainly tell me about God.” In the collection of books about Bl. Alphonse Marie, there is a book titled “Prayers, Instructions and Exhortations of Ecstatic”. In this book are instructions and exhortations for spiritual life. There we can also read about who are priests, how they should follow Jesus and a way, how to acquire the characteristics of a good priest. According to Bl. Alphonse Marie, priests are ministers of God’s graces. They are brothers and favorites of our Savior. They have to be worthy representatives of our Savior. Therefore, they have to follow Him and impress His face and virtues deeply into their hearts. They will obtain these characteristics in meditation on the Passion of Jesus Christ.

Let us walk now from station to station of Jesus’ Stations of the Cross with our Bl. Alphonse Marie. Immerse in silence, let us draw from her spiritual treasure, so she can teach us how to meditate on the sufferings of Jesus Christ. Let us ask for the blessing and strength of all the priests in the world, especially those, who baptized us, led us to the First Holy Communion, and have been administered the sacrament of reconciliation. Let us pray for them lest they forget that they are still the elect sons of the heavenly Father.

Introductory Prayer

Heavenly Father, You give us the example in Your saints, among whom belong also Bl. Alphonse Marie, a great worshiper of priests. We ask You, listen to her intercession, whom we now invoke to guide us on this way of the cross of Your Son. May she, through the power of her intercession, obtain help from You, especially for: 

  • Priests, who although left their priesthood, remain Your priests for ever;
  • Priests, who astray that the true light will enlighten them so they find a way and return to God;
  • Priests, who are burdened that they will refresh in body and soul by the power of the Holy Spirit and will return to their priestly duties;
  • Faithful priests that they will confidently follow their Divine Master on the way to the human soul;
  • Zealous priests that they won’t be discouraged by misunderstanding and disappointment, but in humble prayer always acquire balance;
  • Enthusiasm for all young men, who think about stepping into the footsteps of Your Son, Eternal High Priest.

We also give thanks for families, especially the mothers, who gave their sons-priests to God and the Church.

