Thoughts And Expressions of the Virtue Faith
During the Life of the Servant of God
From the early childhood of the Servant of God, the spirit of Faith was shown which, in that age, was extraordinary. At the age of four she eagerly listened speaking about God. She took every opportunity to be explained the Christian teaching. At the age of six, she noted in her Biography, “I had a great desire to know God. Either I was alone or among people, I constantly thought about God.“ At the age of seven, “This desire was so strong that caused me a great suffering of mind.”
When she was ten years old, she paid attention to forget nothing what she heard on religious lessons. She was more and more happy to attend the religious lessons. At the day of her First Communion she prayed: “Good Jesus, now I renewed my baptismal vows. Help me to keep and fulfill everything our spiritual shepherd has been taught us.” Her spirit of Faith was shown in every situation in her whole life. Her mind was focused on God; she was interesting about nothing only God’s things. She saw everything from God’s perspective.
Even during her illness her Faith did not failed. During the period of her first illness, she felt the spiritual aridity, yet, she prayed perseveringly. When she got well, in the spirit of Faith, she received extraordinary graces which help her to proceed in spiritual life and in virtues.
During her second illness (1845-1849), her spiritual director had become aware that the Servant of God is gifted with truly extraordinary graces of God. He said this to his Bishop, who was interested very much about this affair. He was sure that it was God’s action. The Servant of God felt unworthy of these graces; she never strived to be famous because of these graces.
With regard to the foundation of the Congregation, the Servant of God confidentially said to her spiritual director that she received inspiration from above to found congregation dedicated to the service to the sick. Reverend Reichard was initially restrained, but finally asked Bishop for approbation.
During her office as Superior General (1849-1867), Mother Alphonse Marie, with total confident, entrusted herself to God’s Providence. There were many unexpected events when God has acted in favor of the Congregation and helped to its rapid development. The confidence of the Servant of God was enormous. We can see it by founding Congregation. Without any human help she developed this work expecting everything—materially and spiritually—from God. She felt poor and weak to bear this responsibility, however, she relied solely on grace. With holy courage she prayed to Jesus: “Refuse as long as You want, however, I will tirelessly pray. I give You what You wish – give me what I ask You.” “O my Jesus, look at my misery and weakness. I can do nothing without Your help. Multiply my childish confidence into You.”
“My Jesus, do it by Yourself. You know that I can do nothing without You; it is Your work.” She encouraged to this confidence everyone who came to her, mainly many visitors who witnessed to this. When leaving her, they glorified God’s mercy. In the same way, she encouraged her daughters, saying: “If God has been so good to us that He called us to the Religious Life, would (not) be insulting that we won’t infinitely trust in Him in all our needs? Turn to Him in every situation without any distrust.”
Her example, mainly, led her daughters to unlimited trust.