St. Joseph, Healer and the Servant of Our Lady

Healer and the greatest servant of Our Lady are other titles we can invoke St. Joseph. St. Joseph was involved into the mystery of Incarnation of God from eternity. He collaborated in the work of redemption by taking Mary, who was with child, into his house and God-Jesus as well. Through the merits of Jesus and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, he received many graces, for which he humbly served them in everyday needs. Continue reading


“Many are the troubles of the just man, but out of them all the Lord delivers him” (Ps 34:20). Suffering is described as great tribulation, distress, troubles, misery, pain, sorrow and torment. At present, there probably is not a person who does not suffer. The Apostolic Letter “Patris corde” mentioned above arose just from the suffering that the whole world is experiencing right now: the Coronavirus pandemic. In it, Pope Francis writes, “Each of us can discover in Joseph – the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence – an intercessor, a support and a guide in times of trouble.”

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“My spirit is faint within me” (Ps 143:4). Everyone is tormented from time to time with doubts and uncertainty. It is a very unpleasant feeling, and people look for a way to get rid of it. How can they do it? They search for more information, or they make a decision based on feeling, or they don’t make a decision.

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St. Joseph, Fulfiller of God’s Intentions

A few days later heaven seemed to respond to this blind trust, which Mother Alphonse had toward St. Joseph. A postulant, Margarete Chevreux, was the means through whom St. Joseph made known God’s intentions. Since the Alsatian dialect was strange to her, she found it hard to make herself understood. She was so disappointed that she determined to return home. But Mother Alphonse Marie, to whom she had entrusted herself, said to her, “You may go in peace, but you will return.” Continue reading

St. Joseph Builder, Provider, and Protector of the New House

On March 18th, the Reverend Mother Alphonse Marie felt compelled to entrust all her cares regarding the building of the new house, to St. Joseph. The following day March 19th (his feast day), she consecrated the Congregation to him, he was to be their protector and provider; he would build the new house for them.

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